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Here you have an opportunity to read phrases of impact that will help you to reflect on your life. I ask you to absorb what is good for you and take your mind of what you believe should not be channeled. Each person has his limits, constraints and priorities. It is part of life each specialize in a form information to a large library of human knowledge in ourselves. The Lenderbook blog is a site offering http://www.lenderbook.com/


Freedom even late.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Be yourself

Who does not have a glass roof that shoot the first stone - Adapted of Pitty

Be you, even if you are strange, either yourself to be bizarre. Even that is ugly or pretty nice little. Be yourself even being poor and without opportunities. Adapted of Pitty

You began to shine. Raise your thoughts to build their lives and will thus making a better world.

You must not have been born of regret green eyes, as his friends have brown eyes. Conquer your beauty valuing what is thy.

Do not let your brain commands you, reflect before taking a decision. Be aware.

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