Welcome to Lenderbook Blog

Here you have an opportunity to read phrases of impact that will help you to reflect on your life. I ask you to absorb what is good for you and take your mind of what you believe should not be channeled. Each person has his limits, constraints and priorities. It is part of life each specialize in a form information to a large library of human knowledge in ourselves. The Lenderbook blog is a site offering http://www.lenderbook.com/


Freedom even late.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


We are our reflection on things we do. While we recognize in others, we meet our elements.

Search the information our nerve in a person that is reference is a daily habit of being.

When the link that unites us mentally to a person or group suffers a break, we have a tendency to blame others for our failures. It is as if mirror was broken.

We Cloning feelings, sensations and emotions to the time when our personality is formed, and from that we use a mirror as a reference.

The mirror abstracts information from the collective conscious by incessant search of our senses.

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